To book a session, click the "Book Now" button located either in the top menu or or directly enter in your browser.
Once on the booking site, click "Start", and to proceed with your reservation.
Enter your email address to check if you already have an account. If no account exists, you'll be guided through the setup process.
Credit Card: Pay online only. Note: Booking is not guaranteed until payment is confirmed. Sinpe: 7209-5201 Upload proof of payment for Sinpe. PayPal: Contact us first to request the address and invoice.
Fill in your personal information including name, surname, email, password, gender, and birthday, phone number, upload your ID and agree to the terms and conditions.
After signing up, please contact us to verify your new account and complete the booking process. The app is super easy and quick to access after setup, ensuring a seamless, hassle-free experience every time.